Schlagwort: Sorgen


Something which is still not enough in the minds of cloud providers and users is the question of data protection and privacy. As a fundamental right of the “data subject”, this is not a genuine interest of cloud providers and users in the first place.

Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP

Daemon v.0.1.

Yes, I think I will live long enough to witness the first virus which is "smart" enough to generate money (i.e. bitcoins) by reuploading stuff on filehosters and/or collecting AdSense revenue. Coding of the next version will then be literally outsourced.

99 Problems.

Ich liebe Probleme, ich umarme Probleme, ohne Probleme ist das Leben doch langweilig. Das Geile an Problemen ist doch, dass man an ihnen herumbasteln kann.

David Garrett

A Third in Jail.

Game Of Life.

Some problems recreate themselves simply by having people talk about them.