Schlagwort: Religion

Comments on blogs are not completely dead.

There is another reason I speak with Jehovah’s witnesses- the journalist in me is fascinated by people and their life missions.  I obviously have mine, right here on this website. And I know how hard it can be, to carry on, to be heard, and to keep your faith (in my case, faith in my own abilities).  I imagine my gentle Portuguese couple, walking the cold streets of Amsterdam, and getting doors slammed in their face.  It makes me sad and want to boost their spirits, by preparing the tea and asking questions about their home towns and their families.  Sure, they can ask me a few questions about god in exchange, it is a fair trade I suppose.


So we gotta try to define what suits as proof.

They say Jesus died for somebody's sins but God knows he didn't die for mine,
Coz I'll stand accountable for my own damn sins each and every time.

Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip: Sick Tonight

Alien VS. Preacher.

If Martians fell from the sky
What would that do to God?
Would we put the weapons down
Or aim it up at the sky?

Dave Matthews


Der Plan, seine Kinder auf die Religionen zu verteilen und somit aktiv zu einem respektierenden Relativismus zu erziehen, war spätestens in dem Moment gescheitert, als Paul aus Afghanistan zurück kam und ein paar Tage später Annas Buddha Statue in die Luft flog.