April 2013 Archiv

99 Problems.

Ich liebe Probleme, ich umarme Probleme, ohne Probleme ist das Leben doch langweilig. Das Geile an Problemen ist doch, dass man an ihnen herumbasteln kann.

David Garrett

Formal Family.

How strange, that native English speakers never experienced that fancy diner during which the parents of your partner offer their Du ...

Which languages and cultures provide this experience?

Particularly Subjective.

I used to get annoyed in abstract discussions to hear men tell me: “You think such and such a thing because you’re a woman.” But I know my only defense is to answer, “I think it because it is true,” thereby eliminating my subjectivity; it was out of the question to answer, “And you think the contrary because you are a man,” because it is understood that being a man is not a particularity;

Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex

Not only speakers.

Life is to short for using bad headphones.

UPC - Uploading Packets Cautiously.

Es wurden Anhaltspunkte für eine Beeinträchtigung des Uploads durch ihren Anbieter erkannt.
